This workshop will feature PhD candidate panelists from the humanities, sciences and engineering who will share their stories about navigating graduate school and preparing for their careers. Once a foregone conclusion that they would end up in academia or as a postdoc, many students are asking "are there alternative career paths", "what are some ways to get work experience during my PhD", "how can I express my interest in alternative careers to my supervisor", and "how valuable is it to have work experience between my BA/BS and PhD"? Join us as the panelists address these and other questions and share their experiences, challenges, and advice for navigating grad school and exploring alternative career paths.
Facilitator Bios
Lilian Tsang is the associate director of outreach and administration at the Keller Center where she oversees the Princeton Startup Immersion Program (PSIP), a summer internship program which allows undergraduate and graduate students with entrepreneurial interests to experience first-hand, working at a startup company in NYC, Shanghai or Tel Aviv. Lilian also collaborates with faculty, alumni and other constituents to form connections and partnerships to to provide students opportunities for growth in knowledge and experience.
Yuzhou Bai is a PhD candidate in East Asian Studies. An avid supporter of career diversity, Yuzhou has been working as a Professional Development Associate at the Graduate School since 2019 where he has helped his fellow humanities PhDs empower themselves professionally to thrive in diverse career paths. He was also the inaugural Program Coordinator for the PSIP-Shanghai program in which he organized events for interns with local technology experts and entrepreneurial leaders.
Who can attend?
Open to graduate students, undergraduates, faculty, and staff.