This is a two-part workshop for graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff that will help participants explore what motivates them and creates energy in order to guide them toward possible life and career (re)design. Life design is never one and done. Life is constant iterations after iterations. At different junctures of our lives, we're going to learn about different needs and explore different trajectories.
The purpose of this workshop is two-fold: first is to pinpoint the "here" of the statement "you are HERE"; second, before we move on to exploring options and potentials, or "WHERE TO from here". Design Thinking originated with human-centered design and will be incorporated in the workshop series to equip participants with techniques to apply design thinking to the process of designing and building life and career. This workshop utilizes visual and mental tools derived from Keller Center's Tiger Challenge, an undergrad/grad program that guides students toward solving complex societal problems through human-centered design.
- Part 1: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm ET
- Part 2: Thursday, January 13, 2022 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm ET
This workshop will be held in-person. Location to be announced.
Facilitator Bio
Jessica Leung is a Lecturer in Design Thinking and the Design Program Manager at the Keller Center, our hub for social impact, design, design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship. She directs and teaches the Tiger Challenge, Princeton University's only design thinking program. In her program, she works with students who are partnered with faculty advisors and community partners and organizations to tackle societal issues that are known as wicked problems. In addition to the Tiger Challenge, Jessica also teaches ENT 200, ENT 250/251/350/351.
Who can attend?
Open to graduate students, faculty, and staff.