generaZn Nexus is a spin-off from the previous year's team Microaggression +.

Project Statement/Overview and Context

This project aims to improve the mental health of first generation East Asian American college students by targeting a major root issue of unresolved intergenerational trauma. This unresolved trauma leads to persistent emotional disconnection among East Asian families and ultimately a continuation of the intergenerational trauma cycle. Our approach to break the cycle takes advantage of the distance created from their parents when students leave home for college. It centers around sparking deeper conversations among individual families to address the gap in understanding between generations resulting from overlapping influences of differences in cultural values, historical experiences, and societal expectations. By actively listening to various perspectives from individuals of each generation, the project aims to develop a more informed and nuanced approach to effectively address this challenge. Through this endeavor, we aim to bridge the gap in understanding and promote greater harmony within East Asian American families.

View the generaZn Nexus design brief.

Mission statement

Uniting East Asian American families to break the intergenerational trauma cycle.


Our vision is to build emotional harmony within East Asian American families by breaking communication barriers between students and their parents. We envision a future where each family member feels valued, heard, and supported by each other.