I am an Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and joined Princeton in Fall 2021. My research focuses on engineering non-model microorganisms involved in plant-microbe interactions. Interactions between microbes and plants affect many aspects of life on earth from the cycling of carbon in the biosphere to how we grow food to feed the growing global population. By engineering microbes that influence plant growth, health, productivity, or biomass degradation we can better understand the role of microbes in these interactions and engineer new biotechnologies for the bio-agriculture, bio-energy, and bio-chemical industries. I received my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2017. I teach CBE/MOL 438 Biomolecular Engineering and EGR152 Foundations of Engineering: The Mathematics and Shape of Motion.
What will students be able to take away from your class?
Students will learn single variable calculus with a focus on application to science and engineering. As an introductory engineering course, students will also gain an appreciation for the breadth of disciplines in Princeton's School of Engineering and Applied Science and build community with other members of their class.