What are your responsibilities at the Keller Center?
All things Faith & Work Initiative! I work with David Miller and Michael Thate to manage operational matters and communications, including the website and other media, and FWI events, including the interviews they do with the fascinating speakers who come to speak in their classes. I am the preceptor for EGR/ENT/REL 219, “Professional Responsibility and Ethics: Succeeding without Selling Your Soul”; it’s wonderful to go deeper with students in the ethical questions that criss-cross all kinds of fields of research and encourage them to grow in their ethical self-awareness. And I assist Michael and David with editing and writing publications, as well as other communications and operations. Send any questions my way, I’ll do my best to find the answer or connect you with someone who can. And I’m always interested to hear about what faith and workplace look and feel like for you – it’s different for everyone.
What attracted you to the Keller Center?
The vibrant, forward-thinking vision for a center that incorporates keen talent, robust creativity, and hands-on approaches to research and thought leadership, all based in a space that encourages students to build healthy collegial relationships in real-world applications.
What do you appreciate most about the Keller Center?
The intersectional aspect of Keller Center’s vision and of the work of its faculty, which tallies with the intersectional nature of the Faith & Work Initiative. The world is an intersection, and being able to think broadly while working specifically is critical to making it a better place for all of us.