Gissoo Doroudian is a User Experience Designer at the Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) at Princeton University. Doroudian am involved in designing and implementing the user experience and visuals of CDH sponsored projects, and focus on creating an efficient and collaborative process between design and development. Doroudian also provide design expertise for consultations, and a critical perspective on humanistic data.
Doroudian earned a Master of Fine Arts in Interaction Design from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. Doroudian have worked on projects that involved systems design and systems thinking, research and usability testing methods, interface design, data visualization through D3.js, as well as programming with the C language. She cares about ethics in design, systems thinking, as well as iterative and collaborative processes. She is interested in creating frameworks for efficient workflows and processes, humanistic search engines, and rethinking content management systems.
Doroudian graduate thesis project focused on improving the collaborations between designers and software developers where she studies and conducted research on the current design and collaboration tools as well as research and testing with designers and developers who currently work in corporate agile environments. She has been continuing that work at the CDH by revising design workflows when collaborating with the development team in the context of Digital Humanities projects, with particular interest in revising the approach of designing for and with data.