What attracted you to the Keller Center?

I was attracted to the Keller Center through my first entrepreneurship class, Foundations of Entrepreneurship, by Joy Marcus. I really enjoyed her class and I heard a lot throughout the year about the Keller Center. I also have fellow teammates who highly recommended seeking summer opportunities at the Keller Center.

How are you involved with the Keller Center?

I am participating in the Tiger Challenge with the Farmers and Food System Challenge. My team is working to find a way to better localize the food system while also trying to improve sustainability practices, viability, and respect to the environment.

What do you appreciate most about the Keller Center?

I appreciate the vast opportunities and willingness to better the students at Princeton. The Keller Center not only encourages students to dream big and achieve, but also guides them in this process and challenges that only improve who we are and how we think.

Share an inspiring story about your time at the Keller Center.

One of my favorite moments this summer was meeting Mecquel. She runs the meditation and mindfulness portion of the Tiger Challenge and it was definitely something new and inspiring. It has been uncomfortable for many, but, through her teachings, Mecquel has really pushed all of us to connect our mind, body, and spirit to our work. I really appreciate her gifts as a person and helping us further our potential.

What advice would you have for students about getting involved at the Keller Center?

Give it your all! Keller Center opportunities are something that you should cherish and look forward to. I was denied my first application, but I did not stop. There are so many things you can do here and if you show you are deeply committed and interested then I believe you will find an opportunity at this special place. However, once you are here make the most out of it and everything it has to offer!

How have you benefited from your involvement with the Keller Center?

This summer I have grown so much in many ways that I never thought possible. So many of my weakness have come closer to being strengths. Specifically, Tiger Challenge has made me a better critical thinker and made me realize that everyone can innovate and design. Not only am I more confident as a student but I am more confident about the future after education as well.

What are your academic or career goals?

I am currently focusing on getting a degree in Econ while earning a certificate in Entrepreneurship. After college, I hope to go into the startup business and also open a family restaurant.