The role of an eLab summer associate is to assist the participating eLab teams in getting the most out of their 10-week eLab Accelerator experience. They keep the lines of communications between teams, the Keller administrators, advisors, and mentors open and clear while also providing much-needed social R&R activities and, most importantly, cheerleading these seedling startups through to Demo Day.
This year the eLab hit pay dirt with two dynamic, imaginative, high-energy associates who radiate with entrepreneurial spirit.
Alison Lee '24 fell in love with entrepreneurship at a young age as she watched her mom create her own company, a summer enrichment program now offered in multiple states. She is excited to bring her own startup ideas to eLab's incubator program this fall.
Isabella Racioppi '23 also was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug at an early age. Always a tinkerer, she now describes herself as an inventor and is currently working on her first (of many to come) patents.

With so much entrepreneurial mojo floating around, it is no wonder these two came up with their own twist for eLab summer 2021. Introducing the eLab Accelerators podcast The Decelerator, a place to slow down during the frantic rush of a summer accelerator to get to know the people behind the logos, reenergize, and build a strong eLab community.
We hope you give them a listen. Episode one features Kotami, a sustainable, affordable, inclusive clothing line.