Six Keller faculty members received commendations for Outstanding Teaching from the School of Engineering and Applied Science for the fall 2024 semester. Dean Andrea Goldsmith and Vice Dean Antoine Kahn have recognized the following faculty as determined by overall course ratings from students.

  • Majora Carter - EGR 361 The Reclamation Studio: Humanistic Design Applied to Systemic Bias
  • Carl DiSalvo - EGR 495 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship: At the Root: Radical Sustainability & Design
  • Christopher Kuenne - EGR 491 High-Tech Entrepreneurship
  • Martha Kunicki - EGR 395 Venture Capital & Finance of Innovation
  • Shilla Kim-Parker - EGR 497 Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Denny Strigl - EGR 494 Leadership Development for Business

Our dedicated faculty members have created a wide range of courses that equip graduate and undergraduate students with the knowledge and skills they need to create lasting societal impact.

Congratulations, and thank you to all our faculty for your commitment to ensuring the academic rigor, engagement, and standard of learning paramount to the Princeton experience.