Six of our faculty members received Great Teaching Awards from the School of Engineering and Applied Science for the fall 2020 semester - a notable achievement given the challenges and complications of remote learning and the need to restructure curriculum due to COVID-19.
- Claire Gmachl - Foundations of Engineering: Mechanics, Energy, and Waves
- Andrew Houck - Foundations of Engineering: The Mathematics and Shape of Motion
- Christopher Kuenne - High Tech Entrepreneurship
- Michael Littman - Community Project Studios
- Denny Strigl - Leadership Development for Business
- Robert Van Varick - Community Project Studios
Also awarded with the Excellence in Teaching Awards from the Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Councils for fall 2020 were:
- Clair Gmachl - Foundations of Engineering: Mechanics, Energy, and Waves
- Andrew Shapiro (Assistant Instructor) - Foundations in Engineering: Electricity, Magnetism, and Photonics
Our dedicated faculty members have created a wide range of courses that equip graduate and undergraduate students with the knowledge and skills they need to create lasting societal impact.
Congratulations and thank you to all our faculty for your commitment to ensuring the academic rigor, engagement, and standard of learning paramount to the Princeton experience.
"It’s very satisfying for me to see my students develop their own authentic leadership styles, which continues to motivate me to provide hard-hitting lessons on what it takes to lead real-world business organizations." – Denny Strigl