What advice would you have for students about getting involved at the Keller Center?

The Keller Center and the Princeton Entrepreneurial Hub are really the best secrets on campus. It is the perfect place for innovation and creativity, and has challenged me over the past four years to embrace my entrepreneurial nature. I would encourage students to start off by taking an entrepreneurship course and implementing the knowledge they gain through a Keller Center program like Tiger Challenge, the Princeton Startup Immersion Program, or the eLab Incubator. No matter what, don't be afraid to jump in and get involved!

How have you benefited from your involvement with the Keller Center?

Whether it's taking entrepreneurship classes, working for a startup with the Princeton Startup Immersion Program, or launching my own business, the Keller Center has been pivotal in my personal and professional development. I've become more confident in my abilities as an entrepreneur and visionary - the lessons I've learned through the Keller Center have truly changed my life trajectory.

What are your academic or career goals?

Regardless of what career path I take, I am confident that for the rest of my life I will be a creator. My time with the Keller Center has given me the tools to make a positive social impact in the world, which I ultimately aim to do through creating a social profit business that combats human trafficking and provides hope to the oppressed through Jesus Christ.