The History and Legacy of Black Entrepreneurship in the United States initiative provides the Keller Center community with an opportunity to learn from the country’s most prominent academic scholars.
Join us for a roundtable as we gather our fall 2022 cohort of speakers:
- Dr. Allison Blakely - More Than Just a Notion: Audacious Ambitions vs Challenges Faced by 19th-Century African-American Entrepreneurs
- Dr. Brandon Winford - Black Business Activism in the Mid- Twentieth Century South
Attend this discussion to understand how these leaders weave together their research and scholarship to help build an understanding of black entrepreneurship in America.
Watch the roundtable on YouTube [01:02:30]
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Who can attend?
Open to the public, the campus community, students, graduate students, undergraduates, postdocs, research scholars, faculty, staff, and alumni.