After successfully defending my PhD in Philosophy on AI and Co-Creativity, with publications on Human-AI-Co-Creativity, I am now a PostDoc Research Scholar in ECE Electrical Computer Engineering at Princeton University. I founded my own company in Germany 10 years ago, as a CEO and director of a theater in Hamburg, and producer of German theater production premieres, such as the award-winning theater play “The Turing Machine” about the true story of Alan Turing, as the father of computer science and AI with his famous paper “Can Machines Think?”.
My PhD dissertation is a multidisciplinary research project bringing together the arts and humanities, social sciences, and computer engineering, and philosophy, exploring how AI can be creative and how we can be co-creative with AI in science, arts, music, theater, by illustrating the collective co-creativity of humans and AI, and how AI can enhance our creativity.
As a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Engineering at Princeton, we are working on developing a novel AI technology for visualizing our thoughts from EEG-to-text-to-image-to-video in real-time and exploring the co-creativity of AI and humans at the intersection of philosophy, electrical computer engineering, and entrepreneurship, at Princeton University. This multidisciplinary research project explores the collaborative creative processes between humans and AI systems, thereby aiming to develop a deeper practical understanding and methodologies by co-creating and building novel applications to enhance Human-AI-Co-Creativity.
This novel AI model can detect emotional, physical and mental states, to improve human’s well-being to make our lives healthier and happier, and enhancing our creativity through AI-Human Co-Creativity. We will use such technologies to bring a hybrid human-AI experience to theater, art, and music. This co-creativity will open new doors to how downstream applications can be built with such AI models, resulting in a prototype system with co-creative capabilities.